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Deep Harmony and Relaxation, a wellness Concept.

                          A multi-disciplinary approach in the ideal environment for

                                                            rediscovering oneself.

             Against the backdrop of a lavish and luxurious Bali villa, we combine the daily practice of

              yoga and meditation with the personalized assistance of wellness experts. We propose to
              implement together – both in group and individually – some healthy physical and mental
               habits that will enable you to control your emotions, get rid of the stress and get back in

                                                                    touch with yourself.

               The purpose of this retreat is to take a week off to get back in shape, regain focus, and
           harvest some mental skills that will prove to be essential for achieving a sustainable and long

                                                                 lasting peace of mind.

                             This multi-disciplinary approach bases its resources and teachings on:

                                     yoga or dance as a way to prepare the body to meditation ;

                                  sophrology, a soft and accessible method, based on relaxation ;

                                              coaching and exercises of cognitive stimulation ;

                          sharing and exchanging with a small group of inspired and inspiring people;

                           discovery of the Balinese culture, highly inspiring from many points of view.
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